ForwardED: Forward, Together in Education
A series by educators for educators, features Heinemann authors in conversation about some of the biggest challenges facing the education community as we return to classrooms this fall.
Throughout the series, we’ll explore hot topics in literacy, leadership, and equity, and examine the boundaries of new legislation across the country, the intersection of research and classroom experience, ways to help kids navigate varying experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic, and how to teach and lead through this back-to-school season in a way that centers the best interests of children. This free, online “slow conference” features hour-long, afternoon sessions offered weekly, beginning the week of August 23rd and running through the end of October. Join thought leaders and educators here as we reflect on challenging questions, offer concrete guidance, and move our collective practice Forward, Together.
ForwardED Reflection Journal (PDF): Reflect and sketch throughout the ForwardED slow conference with this complimentary, downloadable reflection journal.
Session Videos
Listen in to conversational seminars on important education topics designed to spark professional conversation with colleagues. Watch the videos live on the Heinemann Facebook page or check back here for the latest session videos.

Inclusive educators Kass and Cornelius Minor speak with with Bob Kim, a leading expert in U.S. education law and policy as they explore how to plan for learning so every student's identity and history has a home.

How do we make nuanced instructional decisions that are student-centered, rooted in teacher experience, and research? Researcher P. David Pearson joins educator and author Kristine Mraz to discuss the complex infrastructure of learning.

In a time where so many elements of daily life at school are politicized, what does it look like to be a leader for equity and literacy? Sara Ahmed and Chad Everett challenge us to acknowledge complexity and to lead with questions before drawing conclusions.

What does it mean to show up for children and their communities this school year? Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Aeriale Johnson explore 5 essential questions to guide our approach this year and beyond.

Lucy Calkins and elementary principal Stacey Franklin share stories about the power of prioritizing writing, for both children and adults, as we clarify our values to move forward, together.

Irene Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, and Cornelius Minor discuss their vision and values around literacy instruction, providing encouragement to teachers and school leaders to always keep students at the center of their planning, teaching and decision-making.

Kids' questions matter. Stephanie Harvey and Islah Tauheed share their thinking about building spaces that encourage intellectual curiosity to design learning experiences that meet children where they are.

Sara Ahmed talks with her mentor, long-time educator, and Heinemann author Harvey "Smokey" Daniels about making sense of where we are in public education and how we might progress, by reflecting on where we have been.

Arléne Casimir, Colleen Cruz, and Kisha Howell combine their wisdom as they discuss ways that systems and coaching can enable school leaders, teachers, and students to recognize and respond to trauma in helpful ways.

Carla España, Dr. Luz Yadira Herrera, and Melisa Stoller share ways to honor and celebrate the languages, literacies, and learning of our multilingual students.

Jennifer Serravallo and educational researcher Rachael Gabriel engage in conversation about the process of research as systematic inquiry and how interpretations might impact our practice as responsive teachers.

Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz and Shamari Reid combine their experience and passion as they dream together about the schools we deserve and the ways we can learn to love ourselves and our students.