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Results for "mastering"
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Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Addition and Subtraction
Strategies, Activities, and Interventions to Move Students Beyond Memorization
Grade: K-3rd
Pub Date: 4/20/2015

“When math fact instruction is thoughtful and strategic, it results in more than a student’s ability to quickly recall a fact; it cultivates reflective students who have a greater understanding of numbers and a flexibility of thinking that allows them to understand connections between mathematical ideas.”
—Susan O’Connell and John SanGiovanni

In... more

Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Multiplication and Division
Strategies, Activities & Interventions to Move Students Beyond Memorization
Grade: 2nd-6th
Pub Date: 3/14/2014

“When math fact instruction is thoughtful and strategic, it results in more than a student’s ability to quickly recall a fact; it cultivates reflective students who have a greater understanding of numbers and a flexibility of thinking that allows them to understand connections between mathematical ideas.”
—Susan O’Connell and John SanGiovanni

... more
Mastering Basic Math Facts: Developing and Maintaining Skills Despite the Challenges of the Pandemic

She is also coauthor of the bestselling Putting the Practices Into Action, Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Addition and Subtraction, and Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Multiplication and Division.... more
Introducing The Writing Masters Blog Series

Now imagine having master teachers mentor you along the way.September 2—Laura Robb: Getting to Know Your Students September 9—Nancie Atwell: Guiding students to explore their individual writing territories September 16—Laura Robb: Planning is the Key to Successful Writing September 23—Ralph Fletcher: The Benefits of Keeping a Writer's Notebook September 30—?Carol Jago:... more
Writing Masters: Zooming In On Conferring

This week in the Writing Master series, Laura Robb discusses three types of writing workshop conferences, and then offers some preparation tips.... more
Writing Masters: Using Mentor Texts With Young Writers

This week in the Writing Master series, Ralph Fletcher asks, "When is a mentor text helpful to a student and when is it an anchor that weighs that student down?"... more
Writing Masters: Engaging The Unengaged Writer With Carol Jago

This week in the Writing Master series, Carol Jago discusses how to reach out to the unengaged writer.... more
Writing Masters: Keeping A Writer

This week in the Writing Master series, Ralph Fletcher goes on a ramble and promotes using the writer's notebook.... more
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