Developed by Susan O'Connell
Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Addition and Subtraction
Grades K-3
Based on the book, Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Addition and Subtraction: Strategies, Activities, and Interventions to Move Students Beyond Memorization
Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Multiplication and Division
Grades 2-6
Based on the book, Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Multiplication and Division:
Strategies, Activities & Interventions to Move Students Beyond Memorization
In today's math classroom, we want children to do more than just memorize math facts. We want them to understand the math facts they are being asked to memorize. Gain insights into the teaching of basic math facts, including a multitude of instructional strategies, teacher tips, and classroom activities to help students master their facts while strengthening their understanding of numbers, patterns, and properties.