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Seminar ImageLeveled Literacy Intervention Intermediate Day 1 & 2

Based on the PD resource, Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Red System: Levels L - Q
Recommended Grade Level: Grades 3-5


Developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

The Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Red and Gold Systems are designed for grade 3 and 4 students who are reading below grade level. The LLI Purple System is designed for grade 5 students reading below level.

Designed to bring children up to grade-level performance in as little as 18-24 weeks, LLI Red, Gold, and Purple systems form a powerful, research-based early intervention program designed specifically for intermediate students who have been struggling and lagging behind their peers for a number of years.

  • Red, Levels L-Q (Grade 3)
  • Gold, Levels O-T (Grade 4)
  • Purple, Levels R-W (Grade 5)

In this session, participants will receive three days of intensive training (these two days of intensive learning plus one follow-up day) on LLI Intermediate Systems and will learn specific strategies to address the needs of struggling readers. In addition to an overview of the components and implementation of the LLI Intermediate Systems, this professional development delves into the advanced routines needed for the intermediate student including a focus on fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as book discussion times and formats, writing about reading routines, novel units, test-taking study, and silent reading.

For pricing information, please call 800.541.2086, ext. 1402.