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Seminar ImageContinuo de la lectoescritura: Instrumento para la evaluación, planificación y enseñanza

Based on the PD resource, Continuo de la lectoescritura totalmente en español, Expanded Edition PreK-8
Recommended Grade Level: Grades PreK-8


Developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

Continuo de la lectoescritura, Instrumento para la evaluación, planificación y enseñanza, Expanded Edition for grades PreK-8 is an essential tool for bilingual education systems focused on biliteracy in an additive educational context. Continuo describes text characteristics and behavioral literacy goals for prekindergarten through middle school, across eight areas pertinent to the language arts. Drawing from this important resource, this professional learning opportunity provides an introduction in how to use the Continuo to plan for whole-class, small-group, and individual instruction. This seminar can be presented in either English or Spanish.

Seminar Goals

Participants will:

  • Explore sections of the Continuo: Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion, Shared and Performance Reading, Writing About Reading, Oral and Visual Communication, Phonics Spelling and Words Study, and Guided Reading.
  • Explore the behaviors and understandings to notice, teach, and support during instruction.
  • Develop an understanding of how to use the Continuo to select texts and choose appropriate goals for instruction.
  • Create a common vision and common language for literacy instruction across their school and/or district.

Resources Needed

  • Continuo de la lectoescritura OR Continuo de la lectoescritura—Totalmente en español
  • One to three guided reading books from your grade level collection
  • One interactive read-aloud book from your classroom collection

Time Requirement

Six hours: could be one session, or divided into smaller sessions across multiple days.

For pricing information, please call 800.541.2086, ext. 1402.