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Linda Rief, Consulting Author

Linda Rief, Consulting Author

Invite Author to Speak

Speaking Topics

  • How to frame the school year for an abundance of writing and reading
  • Big lessons in small texts: The craft we teach in the poems we love
  • Inside the Writer's-Reader's Notebook: An essential tool for deepening reading and writing
  • Keeping story central to the core of all writing

Speaker Profile

Linda Rief is the author or coeditor of six Heinemann titles, including Read, Write, Teach; Inside the Writer's-Reader's Notebook; The Writer's-Reader's Notebook; Adolescent Literacy; Vision and Voice; and Seeking Diversity; as well as the author of The Quickwrite Handbook: 100 Mentor Texts to Jumpstart Your Students' Thinking and Writing. She is an eighth-grade teacher at Oyster River Middle School in Durham, New Hampshire, and an instructor in the New Hampshire's Summer Literacy Institute. She is also a national and international consultant on issues of adolescent literacy. In 2000 she was the recipient of NCTE's Edwin A. Hoey Award for Outstanding Middle School Educator in the English/Language Arts. Her classroom was featured in the series Making Meaning in Literature, produced by Maryland Public Television for Annenberg/CPB.

Read a New York Times article that shows how Linda and Oyster River Middle School responded to increased high-stakes testing pressures.

Grades: K–12