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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 Now Available! Request a quote here!
Image of Teachers College  Reading & Writing Project

Teachers College Reading & Writing Project

The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is a research and staff development organization housed at Teachers College, Columbia University. The Project's ideas are foundational to literacy instruction across the globe. The organization has a deep and long lasting affiliation with over six hundred schools, and works in less intimate ways with thousands of others. Reading and Writing Project, LLC was established a decade ago in an effort to extend the reach of the parent organization.

The mission of the Reading and Writing Project is to help young people become avid and skilled readers, writers, and inquirers. We accomplish this goal through research, curriculum development, and through working shoulder-to-shoulder with students, teachers, principals and superintendents. The organization has developed state-of-the-art tools and methods for teaching of reading and writing, for using performance assessments and learning progressions to accelerate progress, and for literacy-rich content-area instruction. Thousands of teachers regard the Reading and Writing Project as a continual source of professional renewal and education.


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