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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 Now Available! Request a quote here!
Image of Megan Loef  Franke

Megan Loef Franke

Megan Loef Franke is a Professor in the Graduate Department of Education at UCLA where her research focuses on supporting teacher learning for both pre- and in-service teachers, diversity in mathematics education, and leadership in urban low performing schools. She was recently elected to the National Academy of Education.

Megan is known for her work on Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI), her leadership in UCLA's Center X, and her ongoing professional development work to support teachers, schools, and communities.

Read a recent blog by Megan: What is Cognitively Guided Instruction?

Follow her on Twitter @meganlfranke

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Email if you would like to contact Megan Loef Franke directly about professional development support.