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NEW Units of Study in Writing for Grades 3-5 Now Available! Request a quote here!

Jane Zeni

Jane Zeni has worked at every level of students from preshcool through doctoral candidates. Her home base since 1977 has been the University of Missouri, St. Louis, where she has taught preservice English education, composition, and graduate writing courses. She serves as the director of Gateway Writing Project, She has led many summer institutes and inservice workshops and serves as consultant to action researchers.

Jane was born in New York City and earned a bachelor’s at Harvard and a master’s at the University of Pennsylvania in literature. In 1969 she joined six teachers who were planning an alternative school in Philadelphia. A year later she moved to Santa Fe and taught at the Pueblo Indian day schools. Later she taught secondary English at St. Michael’s High School in Santa Fe. Jane earned her master’s degree in curriculum at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Later in St. Louis, she received her Ed.D. at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, in 1985. Her dissertation, an action research project involving computers, led to the book WritingLands (NCTE 1990).

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