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Guide to ESSER Funding

Resources to help you Recover, Reconnect and Reimagine Learning

What are the greatest teaching and learning challenges facing your district in the year ahead?

You have an unprecedented opportunity to use your ESSER funding as a catalyst for change and to invest in the vision that you have for your students and teachers. Heinemann’s research-based literacy and math resources are aligned to ESSER funding, focus on meeting students where they are and guide educators in differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

Heinemann can help you recover, reconnect and reimagine learning.

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Heinemann’s Resources Are Aligned to ESSER Funding

Flexible and easy-to-implement resources

Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners

Student-centered lessons with multiple opportunities for social emotional learning

Opportunities to develop teacher agency and honor responsive teaching

Heinemann Resources are ideal for:

  • Intervention & Assessment
  • Summer Learning
  • Extended Day
  • Professional Learning and Support
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 Instruction, including supplemental resources
  • Enhancing classroom libraries with a variety of connected resources

Watch this 26-minute webinar which briefly explains the ESSER federal funding and reviews how Heinemann’s resources are aligned to the funding.

Intervention & Assessment

At least 20 percent of the ESSER funding must be spent on evidence-based approaches to address intervention, which can include assessments to determine academic needs and monitor student academic progress to identify students who need more help.

Proven ELA Intervention

Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Grades K-5+

Leveled Literacy Intervention is a short-term, supplementary intervention system proven to improve literacy achievement of struggling readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced systematically designed lessons.

Proven Effective - read the research here:

Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems (BAS), Grades K-8

Aligned to support Leveled Literacy Intervention, The Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems are accurate and reliable tools to identify the instructional and independent reading levels of all students and document student progress through one-on-one formative and summative assessments.

Math Intervention and Assessment

Do The Math, Grades 1-5+

Do The Math® provides flexible, classroom-tested instruction for building numerical reasoning and confidence. Whether used for core instruction in numerical reasoning, pull-out intervention, or summer school settings, Do The Math provides effective instruction at any elementary grade level.

Do The Math has a long history of turning research into practice:

Listening to Learn, Grades K-5

Listening to Learn is a NEW K-5 digital interview tool that helps teachers learn how their students reason numerically―information that’s essential for planning instruction.

Classroom Resources

Now more than ever, schools need to leverage high-quality curricula and classroom resources. Heinemann has instructional programs that provide a coherent and cohesive experience designed to keep students engaged and to empower teachers.

Fountas & Pinnell ClassroomTM, Grades K-6

Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ offers a cohesive, multi-text approach to literacy instruction for all students in grades PreK–6. It is designed to support whole-group, small-group and independent learning opportunities including: interactive read-aloud, reading and writing minilessons, shared reading, phonics/spelling/word study lessons, guided reading, book clubs, and independent reading collections. Lessons in Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ also include built in supports for EL students.

Units of Study in Reading, Writing and Phonics, Grades K-8

Pioneered by Lucy Calkins and her colleagues at The Reading and Writing Project, and refined over decades of research and piloting with thousands of teachers, the ever-evolving Units of Study curriculum currently includes Reading, Writing, and Phonics Units of Study that support explicit classroom instruction, provide rich opportunities for practice, and help teachers use learning progressions to monitor progress and set students on trajectories of growth.

Heinemann also offers the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Classroom Libraries which were thoughtfully curated with thousands of high-quality diverse texts across a variety of text types and genres.

Complete Comprehension, Grades 2-5+

Complete Comprehension by Jennifer Serravallo is an assessment and teaching resource to provide goal-directed, strategy-driven instruction to support comprehension of entire chapter books.

The Comprehension Toolkit, Grades K-6+

Available in grades K-2 and 3-6 sets, The Comprehension Toolkit series by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis provides strategies that work to help students understand, respond to, and learn from nonfiction text, building background knowledge across the curriculum and throughout the year. This flexible resource can be used for instruction with whole group, small group, as well as during intervention, specific EL support, and summer school.

Math in Practice, Grades K-5

Math in Practice is a standards-based, professional learning resource from Sue O'Connell and colleagues. This grade-by-grade K–5 resource fits with any math curriculum. It identifies the big ideas of math content and best-practice teaching, unpacking essential teaching strategies and detailing why these strategies are powerful. Each grade level set includes coaching, lesson starters, formative assessment suggestions, and small group activities.

Professional Learning

It’s time to invest in teachers and to build and expand teacher capacity.

ESSER funding can be used towards working with a site-based learning consultant and customizing to the specific needs of your teachers, attending an in-person or virtual workshop or multi-day event, or any of our online professional learning courses or series.

Explore how Heinemann’s Professional Learning experts can give your teachers the tools they need to keep their classroom practice energized.

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