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Results for "african writers series"
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A Teacher
The Classroom Essentials Series
Grade: K-2nd
Pub Date: 10/3/2018

How can I help my youngest students become writers?

How can I establish a routine for writing in my classroom?

Why is making books developmentally appropriate?

In Lisa Cleaveland’s classroom, writing workshop is a time every day when her students make books. Katie Wood Ray guides you through the first days in Lisa’s classroom, offering ideas, information,... more

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PLC Series: Entry Points for Writers

Welcome to a new year of content and conversation in Heinemann's PLC Series.This month we focus on the craft of teaching writers—not the writing.It is our joyful responsibility as teachers to nurture the writers in our classrooms and to help them build writing identities as young as possible.... more
PLC Series: Why A Community of Writers?

Consider Keep this Guiding Question in mind: Why does cultivating oneself as writer within a community provide so many benefits?EducateListen to the wise words of this young elementary student as she tells Stephanie Parsons, author of one of our On-Demand Courses Introduction to Writer’s Workshop, why a community of writers is so important to her and her classmates.ReflectDo... more
PLC Series: Uncovering Student Writers

Welcome to a new year of content and conversation in Heinemann's PLC Series.This month we focus on the craft of teaching writers—not the writing.Take a moment to look around your classroom.... more
PLC Series: New Beginnings for Writers

Welcome back to the Heinemann PD Professional Learning Community Series!This month we celebrate new beginnings for teachers and learners across the country.Welcome back to the Heinemann PD Professional Learning Community Series!... more
UOS Phonics Series

The Units of Study in Phonics for grades K–2 provide a lean and concise instructional pathway towards high-leverage phonics concepts and strategies such as digraphs, blends, high frequency words, and more. Designed to keep pace with students' reading and writing, these units and help young readers and writers understand when, how, and why they can use phonics to read... more
Writers ARE Readers
Flipping Reading Instruction into Writing Opportunities
Grade: K-5th
Pub Date: 8/24/2015

In Writers Are Readers, the mutually supportive roles of reading and writing are made visible through the idea of “flipsides;” how a reader’s insights can be turned around to provide insights into his own writing, and vice versa.   Lester and Reba’s trademark engaging style is woven throughout chapters full of sample lessons, student writing samples, and recommended... more
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How Making Books Helps Writers

Katie is also the series editor for the new Classroom Essentials books from Heinemann.You can find her on Twitter at @KatieWoodRay... more
Projecting Possibilities for Writers
The How, What, and Why of Designing Units of Study, K-5
Grade: K-5th
Pub Date: 8/28/2012

“When you create a unit of study, it’s tempting to think you know exactly what will happen on day 5, 13, or 18. But you can’t know. As soon as a unit starts, we begin making adjustments. This book shares a process for projecting a unit of study so you can make decisions as you respond to students each day.” Matt Glover and Mary Alice Berry

As... more

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Writers ARE Readers: Plot Opportunities

In Writers ARE Readers, the mutually supportive roles of reading and writing are made visible through the idea of "flipsides," or how a reader's insights can be turned around to provide insights into his own writing, and vice versa.... more
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