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Genre Study

Recommended Grade Level: Grades K-3


Developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

In this seminar and in their book Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books, Fountas and Pinnell advocate teaching and learning in which students are actively engaged in developing genre understandings and applying their thinking to any genre. It is through using genre understandings that your students will learn to think, talk, and read texts with deeper understanding, and write more effectively.

Course goals:

  • Receive an overview of the layout and content of Genre Study.
  • Gain a beginning understanding of the genres and forms of literature, including the differences between poetry and prose.
  • Understand the steps in the process of genre study and the roles of both the teachers and students during the process.
  • Explore the instructional context for genre study and the relationship between text complexity and learning to process text.
  • Learn how genre study might be carried over the course of a month within interactive read-aloud, and readers' and writers' workshop.

For pricing information, please call 800.541.2086, ext. 1402.